Nubank and Uber sign a partnership that will make life easier for their users

Nubank It is Uber established an exclusive partnership to bring a new advantage to customers. Now, when using the Uber application, users will have access to NuPay, Nubank's payment system.

With the novelty, customers will be able to approve their credit or debit payments with just one click, making the payment process paymentfaster and more convenient.

One of the main advantages of this partnership is that, when making the credit payment through NuPay, the Nubank will offer an extra limit to users, without affecting the pre-approved limit of the card.

According to Lívia Chanes, responsible for Nubank's operations in Brazil, the partnership with Uber combines knowledge and expertise of two technology companies, aiming to provide customers with safe and convenient experiences in their daily lives. day.

Nubank and Uber, in partnership, offer advantages to customers

The availability of the new tool is gradually rolling out to users and is expected to be fully accessible in the coming weeks.

Upon acquiring access to the new payment method, customers simply need to open the

applicationfrom Uber. Be ready!

To use the new payment method, follow these steps in the Uber app:

  1. Open the application and go to the “Accounts” section;
  2. Choose the “Payments” option;
  3. In the “Payment Methods” tab, select the “Add a payment method” option;
  4. Select Nubank from the list of options;
  5. After choosing Nubank, the page will be redirected to the bank application;
  6. Choose whether you want to approve credit or debit purchases;
  7. Enter your password and confirm the transaction.

By following these steps, you'll be ready to use NuPay as your payment method for Uber.

According to Nubank, when using NuPay as a payment method for Uber, you don't have to worry about typing passwords or updating your account numbers. cardin situations such as expiration, loss or theft.

Once payment is approved, it can be done with just one click, offering users convenience and security.

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