Dementia: see the main symptoms and how to prevent it

Dementia is a syndrome which is related to the progressive deterioration of cognitive functions. Although it is more common in older people, it can also affect younger adults. It is usually caused by a medical condition that has been hidden for years. Find out what the symptoms are insanity that arise over time.

Main symptoms of dementia

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These are the most common signs of dementia in its early stages.

  • Recent memory problems;
  • Difficulty making decisions;
  • Mental confusion;
  • Mood and personality changes;
  • Difficulty recognizing or naming objects;
  • Confusion with day and time;
  • Difficulty communicating;
  • Difficulty performing simple tasks.

If you identify any of these problems in your everyday life and it has started to affect your daily life, try to make an appointment with a professional. If you've noticed something in someone close to you and you have reason to be concerned, try to encourage them to go to the doctor. Anyone experiencing these symptoms should consult a trusted professional.

There are several forms of dementia ranging from Alzheimer's disease to vascular dementia. Knowing which type is manifesting means getting a more specific treatment for each one's needs. That said, an early diagnosis is critical to help stabilize the condition for longer.

Can it be prevented?

After all, is dementia a preventable disease? Let's find out.

Although there is still no cure for the disease, it is possible to reduce the risk of developing dementia through some preventive measures. Disease prevention involves adopting healthy habits. For example: exercising, having a balanced diet and keeping your brain active daily.

In addition, you must reduce the level of stress, maintain a regulated sleep, avoid the use of drugs and alcohol, control blood pressure, cholesterol and maintain a good physical and mental state. In short, you need to take these steps to protect your health if you are to reap long-term benefits.

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