How much will you have to pay if you pass the yellow light?

Traffic light, signal, signalman, whatever the name, all drivers are well aware of this device that serves to order and make traffic safer. It is present at many intersections in Brazilian urban centers, in all cities. This is not a new invention, but it still raises a number of questions in the minds of many people, especially with regard to the yellow light.

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After all, is crossing an intersection with a yellow light illegal and can the driver be fined for it? Surely you must have already thought about this issue, but never tried to understand the truth behind it.

Can passing a yellow light result in fines and punishments?

First, let's remember that there are 3 colors for traffic lights:

  • Red: indicates mandatory stop and all drivers are required to wait until the end of their duration;
  • Yellow : indicates attention, as the traffic light is in transition to red light and it is better to wait, without braking sharply;
  • Green: it is the light that indicates the liberated passage for all those who are in the Traffic.

As explained above, it is forbidden to go through an intersection or street that has the traffic light on red. This act results in a very serious infraction, with a fine of R$ 293.47 and a 7-point discount on the National Driver's License (CNH);

And how does it work with the color yellow?

As stated in the Brazilian Manual of Semaphore Signaling, the signal yellow indicates the termination of the right of free passage by all vehicles. That is, the truth is that it represents the need to stop before the traffic light.

On the other hand, many people see the color yellow as an extension of the green and accelerate even more to “give time” to pass. The problem is that its function is exactly the opposite of that.

The correct attitude is to slow down gradually and stop to wait for the green light to return.

Can you pay a fine?

In practice, the driver who exceeds the yellow light will not be fined, since there is no rule that establishes this type of sanction.

Use common sense and logic to avoid passing the intersection with a red light, which can result in a fine and deduction of points on your CNH.

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