Old Brazilian surnames that represented fortune and abundance

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Throughout Brazil's history, several surnames have been associated with wealth and prosperity. These surnames generally belonged to families of great influence and power, whose members stood out in the economic, political and social sectors of the country. Let's explore some of these ancient Brazilian surnames that represented fortune and abundance.

Most common surnames from the past and coming from wealthy families

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Check below the most common surnames of wealthy families in the past:

1. albuquerque

The surname Albuquerque has Portuguese origins and is associated with some of the most prominent families in colonial Brazil. Members of this family usually held high-ranking positions in government and colonial administration, in addition to owning vast lands and sugar mills.

2. Alcantara

The surname Alcântara is another Iberian toponymic from the region of Alcântara, in Portugal, and also in the province of Cáceres, in Spain.

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In both cases, the name comes from the Arabic alqantara which means “arch”, “bridge” or “stone bridge”.

3. whitewashed

Caiado is a surname of Iberian origin and it is believed that it came from caiar, “cayado”, that is, coated with lime. Studies say that at that time there were families who put face dye or cosmetics to look more white, or fair.

From there came the surname Caiado.

4. Ludovico

History says that Ludovico derives from the elements hlod (glory, fame) and wig (warrior). Furthermore, the name derives from Germanic lands.

Thus, the clearest meaning for the name is “famous, celebrated warrior”.

5. bubbles

This last name is one of many that was born in Portuguese lands. Bulhões originates from Bulhão and this name comes from the Latin of Bullius.

Theories also say that it is a toponym, like Bouillon, in the region of France or Belgium. For this surname, its derivation is from bullare "swampy place".

6. Bragança

The surname Bragança appeared around the 2nd century in the Celtic region of Brigância. Research reveals that the term basically referred to wealthy people who lived in the region of high lands and nobility. Thus, it meant “fortress” or “castle”.

7. Marine

The name itself already says Marinho comes from the Latin Marinus, “marine”, “from the sea”. Stories say that the surname emerged in the Iberian region, at the time of Alexander the Great, alluding to people who worked as sailors.

8. souza

The Souza family, of Portuguese origin, was also linked to wealth and power in colonial Brazil. The family was composed of large landowners, merchants and influential politicians, which guaranteed them a prominent position in Brazilian society at the time.

9. Matarazzo

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the Matarazzo family stood out as one of the richest and most influential in Brazil. Of Italian origin, the Matarazzo family established an industrial empire in the country, covering sectors such as the textile, food and paper industries, among others. The family was also active in politics and philanthropy, contributing to the development of Brazil during this period.


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