MEC confirms that R$ 5.5 billion will be transferred to snacks

The readjustments of the National School Feeding Program (PNAE) will be passed on from the month of March, according to guidance from the Ministry of Education (MEC). This year, school lunches will receive an investment of R$ 5.5 billion over the months for more than 39 million students in the public school system in Brazil. The update, according to the MEC, considers the number of students enrolled and the school days in which the school operates.

Readjustment of the PNAE

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Investment in food in educational institutions had not been readjusted for six years. There are around 150,000 public schools and 40 million students that are part of the public education network, with funding from the Federal Government.

The biggest adjustment went to the Federal District, reaching 50.4% of the update. As mentioned, the number of students enrolled and the school days in which the school operates are considered.

The values ​​will be divided into 10 installments, referring to the percentage allocated to each state, totaling the billionaire value of the final adjustment. Monthly fees run from February to November, with 20 days of monthly food.

The readjustment for the states and municipalities, by enrollment, was conceived as follows:

  • Elementary and high school students in part-time: R$ 0.50;
  • Students in EJA (Youth and Adult Education) part-time: R$ 0.41;
  • Daycare or preschool students in part-time: R$ 0.72;
  • Elementary school students in indigenous regions or remnants of quilombos in part-time: R$0.86;
  • Nursery students in indigenous areas and remnants of quilombos: R$ 1.37;
  • Specialized Educational Assistance (AEE) students: BRL 0.68.

Learn about the National School Feeding Program

The initial name of the project was ‘Campanha de Merenda Escolar’, when it was founded in 1955. The PNAE is still in effect and is the oldest public food policy project in the country.

The food and nutrition of the students reflect on the social development of the school, on the student's learning and training.

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