Your social security number can show where you live

Did you know that you can find out the region where a person lives by the CPF number? The CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registration) has one of the eleven digits that indicates the region where the citizen was registered.

The Individual Taxpayer Registration is a national document with eleven numbers and is personal and non-transferable. In this way, the person will have the same number for life, as it can only be changed with a court decision.

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A IRS is the public agency responsible for registering and overseeing all CPF numbers in Brazil and it has a classification system that indicates the region of a person's address.

This personal document is used to identify taxpayers in the Income tax, but it also serves for other purposes, such as: enrollment in public tenders, opening an account, enrolling in universities, among others.

In addition, it is possible to discover other information about a person through the CPF, such as the tax region of the address where he/she lived at the time of the first CPF registration. Check here how to verify through the Individual Taxpayer Registration number.

How can the CPF show where a person lives?

The Federal Revenue divides the records of the CPF in ten fiscal regions. Each fiscal region has one or more Brazilian states. For example, region 6 is Minas Gerais, while region 3 represents Ceará, Maranhão and Piauí.

In any CPF registered in Brazil, the ninth digit will be the representative of the region where the person registered the CPF for the first time.

Therefore, the CPF XXX.XXX.XX6-XX belongs to a person with the ninth digit 6, thus, his address is in Minas Gerais at the time of registration of the CPF.

See all tax regions of the Federal Revenue:

  • 1 – Federal District, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Tocantins;
  • 2 – Pará, Amazonas, Acre, Amapá, Rondônia and Roraima;
  • 3 – Ceará, Maranhão and Piauí;
  • 4 – Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba and Alagoas;
  • 5 – Bahia and Sergipe;
  • 6 – Minas Gerais;
  • 7 – Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo;
  • 8 – São Paulo;
  • 9 – Paraná and Santa Catarina;
  • 0 – Rio Grande do Sul.

An important piece of information is that the ninth digit will not be changed if the owner of the CPF changes tax region. The change in numbering is only done through legal procedures.

With the clarification above, it is easier to understand the classification of the Federal Revenue and it is even possible to discover the tax region of any person's address.

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