You noticed? 2022 was one of the hottest years on record, says NASA

The year 2022 won the fifth position among the most hot of history. Experts from the United States said on Thursday (12) that the last nine years were the warmest since the pre-industrial period. Last year was tied with 2015, these being the two warmest years tied for fifth in the table.

A NASA began to record in 1980, and since then, the trend has been observed that each decade becomes warmer than the previous one. The last few years showed the global average temperature at 1.14°C above pre-industrial levels, which is considered the highest level ever recorded.

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Thus, these records indicate that the world is getting closer and closer to the limit provided for in the Paris Agreement of 2015, which defines global warming at 1.5°C as a major risk.

The hottest years according to NASA

Certainly, climate assessments are carried out in different ways. With this, different classifications are also made, depending on the data that were approached together with the climate changes in the place.

Last Thursday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency of the United States of America pointed out that the year 2022 ranked fifth among the hottest years since records began. Likewise, European Union Scientists also ranked last year as the fifth hottest according to records made in Europe. So far, the hottest years on record have been 2016, 2019 and 2020.

With the new records, NASA reported that the temperature is increasing at least 0.2°C every ten years. According to the technological giant, the whole world is on track to soon surpass the global warming of 1.5°C set by the Paris Agreement in 2015.

It is estimated that it will not take more than two decades for this limit to be exceeded. As guided by Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, the best way to contain the advance of temperatures is to stop the release of greenhouse gases.

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