More than 8,000 vacancies will be opened by 'Ciência é 10!' until 2024

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Do you know Science is 10!? Until next year, Fundação CAPES intends to open more than 8 thousand vacancies. The news was given this last Wednesday (14), during the launch of the second edition of the Program.

With the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Luciana Santos, participating in the event that took place in Brasília and was broadcast on YouTube, 3,000 vacancies were announced for the second half of this year and another 5,000 for 2024.

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In total, 18 higher education institutions from 12 states and the Federal District will offer these vacancies, following their own schedules. The courses are offered by the Open University of Brazil (UAB), in 105 centers.

Learn more about Science is 10!

The idea of ​​this program is to provide and promote science education online for teachers in the basic education network. Thus, they are modules with multimedia resources, discussion forums, assessments and practical activities, all divided into four thematic axes: Life, Environment, Universe and Technology.

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the president of CAPES, Mercedes Bustamante, indicates that the whole idea of ​​this Program is to increase scientific thinking from basic education. Thus, expanding science to EaD modalities, more teachers will be able to participate.

The target audience are teachers who teach Science for elementary school years (6th to 9th grade). It is carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Education.

How to participate?

So far, there has been no announcement of the start of registration, but it is understood that, after the announcement of the return, it should not take long. In total, there are 480 hours of complementary subjects, to improve and expand the knowledge and methodology of teachers.

Among the objectives of Ciência é 10!, we can observe:

  • Professional qualification;

  • Awaken curiosity about scientific study among students.

  • Improve student achievement in science subjects.

The educational institutions that are partners of the Program have not yet been disclosed, but we can take into account consideration the last edition: there were several federal and state higher education institutions that participated!

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