Inep publishes material with rules of conduct for Enem, Enade and Encceja

The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) released guidelines for exams. The document “General Covid-19 prevention guidelines” is intended for candidates. More specifically, he talks about rules for the days of the Enem 2021, Encceja and Enade tests.

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The purpose of the material is to guide participants on the conduct to be adopted. The rules speak of the period prior to the assessments and also the day of application. The booklet addresses topics such as the use of masks, hygiene and how to proceed in different situations.

Prevention against Covid-19

Prevention against Covid-19 is addressed in the document. In it, candidates are guided on how to act to avoid contagion and transmission.

In addition, they are aware of the objects that they can take on the day of the test. Hand hygiene and the correct use of protective masks are part of the guidelines.

disease symptoms

In case the candidate presents symptoms or diagnosis of the disease, Inep warns about what to do. It is recommended that the person does not participate in the test and requests the reapplication. This is true even if symptoms occur in the previous week.

To request the reapplication of the exam, you must access the Participant's Page. Documents proving the health condition will be required. Afterwards, the request goes to Inep for analysis.

Correct use of masks

Regarding the use of masks, the booklet warns the use of specific masks for the day of the assessment. In addition to fundamental, the use of the mask will be mandatory. It must properly protect the user's mouth and nose.

Another guideline is about the acquisition of reserve masks. Use will be mandatory at the time of entry and stay at the test site. Only candidates with autistic spectrum will have flexibility in mask wearing.

Objects allowed for candidates

For the test days, the participant can take:

– Bottle of gel alcohol (the product will also be available at the venues);

– Transparent or semi-transparent gloves during the test;

– Materials for the test (see public notices).

In addition, Inep points out that all utensils will be inspected by those responsible. It is recommended to bring your own water bottle.

application day

The candidate must arrive in advance at the test site and act in a preventive way. Participants must maintain social distancing and respect the orientation posters.

too much protection

Inep points out that the evidence will be in protective plastic, without human contact for three months before application. Before distributing the materials, the inspector will wash his hands with alcohol.

To clear doubts, it will be necessary to raise your hands and wait. In case of breach of safety rules, the participant will be automatically eliminated from the process.

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