Plants that attract prosperity to your home: know which ones to choose

Plants not only serve as a decorative object and to make the environment cozy, they also help to renew the air and retain pollution. Furthermore, many plants they are considered amulets, capable of attracting prosperity, luck and money. See below the list of some of these plants that attract prosperity to the home.

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Plants that attract prosperity

It is known that contact with nature brings numerous benefits, including increasing the feeling of peace and tranquility, allowing balance between body and mind. Therefore, plants are associated with prospecting, energy cleansing, luck, wealth, health, harmony and many other positive energies. That's why we've put together 10 plants that make the list to attract these energies especially for you.

1. Rosemary

Famous for opening new paths, attracting determination and courage, warding off negative energies, assisting in mental balance and being a natural stimulant. Growing this plant at home can be an easy task. Sun and water in moderation will suffice.

Plants that attract prosperity.
Photo: Canva.

2. Rue

Known to be a protective plant, it attracts good vibes like prosperity and enthusiasm. In addition, it wards off the evil eye and cleans the vibrations in the house. Taking care of it can be complicated, as its leaves have an oil that can cause dermatitis, so handling it with gloves is important. Rue needs an environment with direct light, but it should stay in the sun for a few hours so as not to burn its leaves.

3. maidenhair

It absorbs negative energies, removing envy and bringing peace and tranquility to the family environment. This plant should be kept indoors, out of direct sunlight.

4. tree of happiness

This tree attracts happiness, as the name says, in addition to joy, money, luck and love. It needs to be kept in an airy place, with good lighting and should be irrigated twice a week. But be careful! This plant is toxic to pets.

Plants that attract prosperity.
Photo: Canva.

5. lucky bamboo

Plant that in addition to attracting luck, also brings a good vibe and abundance. It needs to be grown in the shade, in very moist soil or even in water.

6. money-in-hand

Famous for attracting fortune and luck, it has its potential effect when it is a gift from friends or family. It must be kept in the shade, fertilized and watered frequently.

7. Dollar

This plant is ideal for growing outdoors, as it likes moist, half-light soil. As the name implies, it is used to attract money.

8. Saint George's Sword

Known for bringing protection and prosperity to the home, warding off the evil eye and filtering energy. It should only be watered when the soil is dry. She needs daily sun.

Plants that attract prosperity.
Photo: Canva.

9. Peace lily

The lily attracts good energies, purifies the air and also conveys peace. This plant needs little lighting as the sun can easily burn the leaves.

10. Basil

In addition to being an excellent ingredient in the kitchen, this plant attracts strength, money and peace, removing negative thoughts and conflicts. Needs to be grown in warm, humid and lit places.

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