10-year-old boy discovers 'secret symbol' in Toblerone

All the flavor and tradition surrounding Toblerone is nothing new. Its quality is unmistakable, as is its packaging. Created in 1908, in the city of Bern, Switzerland, by Theodor Tobler and Emil Baumann, the product is sold in around 122 countries.

And that Toblerone is one of the most famous and delicious Swiss chocolates in the world is no secret to anyone. But that on its packaging there was a symbol never seen by many people, this is tremendous news!

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Yeah, a 10-year-old child saw what many adults haven't seen in a long time of consumption. In his first contact with chocolate, he first surprised his mother and soon after, the internet, upon noticing the presence of a drawing of a bear among the mountains next to the logo on the packaging.

Photo: reproduction

When talking about the interaction, the mother reports that the child, as soon as he took the product in his hands, asked “what is the bear for?”. After reporting what happened on the internet, several other Internet users were surprised by the fact, reaching the point of say that they consumed chocolate for more than 60 years and had never noticed the presence of that bear in the mountain.

The fact is surprising, as it is a child and because it is the first contact with the product. However, Toblerone's packaging is present in numerous mobile games, where users are challenged to guess details of different products.

For those who discovered the hidden symbol on that occasion, the idea that they were just mountains is unanimous. When it comes to historical facts, it is reported that the bear is a tribute to the city of Bern, where chocolate began to be produced, as discussed in this content.

And for those of you who just found out, probably every time you look at the Toblerone package, you'll now see the bear among the mountains, thanks to the intelligence of a 10-year-old child, where it was possible to see something that countless adults do not. they got it.

Also, a good Swiss chocolate is always wonderful to taste, whether you are a chocoholic or not.

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