Put an end to your relationship crises with THESE attitudes

Having an affective relationship with someone is not easy. They are two different people who often think different things. This is where many problems arise. The will to make it work has to be above all else. That's why we've brought you some tips on how to fix a relationship so you don't lose a great love just because of situations that haven't been completely resolved.

Read more: What are the top 3 attachment styles in a relationship?

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5 things to do in fragile relationships

Depleted relationships need extra willpower from both parties to get that old sparkle back. As long as there is faith on both sides, believe me, anything is possible. And thinking about it, observe the points below and put them into practice if your relationship is going through a bar.

Be ready to listen

Giving credibility to what the partner says is essential in any relationship. Attention is necessary for the other to feel heard. All questions, annoyances and complaints must be understood, respected and accepted. In practice, one can form a habit of asking the other how he feels and being willing to hear the truth without judgment.

show your feelings

The most beautiful thing to see in a relationship is the sharing of feelings. Allowing the other to enter your innermost thoughts is a form of trust. Therefore, exercise this demonstration so that you are in tune. To apply this in everyday life, a session can be created each week in which you are able to share emotions.

remember the good times

An angsty couple tends to dwell on the problems, but remembering the good parts is important. In this way, understand that it is not to live in the past, but it is also necessary to remember the reason that made you decide to be together. This can be done by creating a photo album with images of happy moments to be looked at when stress takes over.

Control the conflicts

The fights will not be extinguished, but it is necessary to work on the way they arise in the relationship. Bearing this in mind, even in problems you will be able to understand each other and you will come out of it unharmed through a lot of respect.

leave the past in the past

Bringing up issues from the past will only create more problems. Dwelling on the past will not move the relationship forward. Seek to resolve these points completely so that this agenda is not brought up again.

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