New Brazilian prodigy, only 6 years old, who has an IQ of 140 points

Miyuki Yamanaka is a six-year-old Brazilian girl who has drawn attention for her above-average intellectual capacity. With an IQ of 140 points, the young woman is already a member of two societies for people with high IQ, Mensa and Intertel. But what makes a child a young prodigy?

Being a young prodigy is not only about having a high IQ, but also showing exceptional intellectual abilities and talents for her age.

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Some factors considered are the ability to learn quickly, maintain conversations before age two, ask about unknown words and elaborate well-structured questions, in addition to presenting high creativity.

Miyuki Yamanaka: A Passionate Reader and Talented Writer

Miyuki Yamanaka is a young prodigy who, from a very young age, displayed above-average skills. According to her mother, she started walking and talking before she was nine months old, and by the age of four, she was already able to identify words. Passionate about reading, the young woman has read more than a hundred books and even wrote her own book.

In addition to dedicating herself to reading and writing, Miyuki also has artistic skills such as painting and music. Even at just six years old and in the second year of elementary school, the young woman already has grades between 96 and 100.


Miyuki Yamanaka is a young prodigy who has impressed everyone with her intellectual capacity and exceptional talents. At just six years old, she is already a member of two societies for people with high IQs and has a passion for reading and writing.

Furthermore, she demonstrates artistic abilities and excellent grades in school. It's inspiring to see such a young child excelling so much and showing that talent has no age.

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