McDonald's ad features man flirting with cashier in India

A recent announcement by McDonald's India sparked outrage on social media over accusations of objectifying female employees and promoting workplace harassment. The video, released June 5 on YouTube, shows a man interested in a cashier as he places his order for a McVeggie.

At the end of the meal, the man is called by a male employee to approach the counter. empty, however he declines the offer and waits for the opportunity to interact with the box again feminine. “Sometimes the greatest love stories start with the smallest things – a look, a smile, a meal,” read the ad for the $2 McVeggie meal.

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Social media users accused the company of objectifying its employees and promoting workplace harassment. McDonald's India has commented on the matter, stating that the aim of the ad was to show how "small things" can lead to "great love stories", and that they are working to ensure that doesn't happen again.

Watch the video.

Campaign generated negative repercussions on social media

According to one woman on Twitter, “This outrageous and disgusting conduct, with this type of publicity, only adds to the harassment faced by female employees at work.”

Sadly, this is not the first case in India where an advertising campaign has been accused of having misogynistic overtones. Last year, perfume brand Layer'r Shot was criticized for promoting rape culture. Furthermore, another series of advertisements for the Imperial Blue brand also came under fire for its “Men are men” slogan and sexist jokes.

Indian PM urges people to fight misogyny

In last year's Independence Day speech, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, made an appeal to the population to combat the misogyny present in the country's culture. Modi warned that a distortion had crept into the behavior, words and actions of Indians, leading to insults and disrespect for women.

The Prime Minister called for a commitment from the population to end this unacceptable behavior and fight together for gender equality. Modi highlighted that it is necessary to show the world the true meaning of freedom and that it will only be possible if misogyny is effectively fought.

The Prime Minister's speech sparked a huge debate in India about the need for cultural changes regarding the treatment of women. Much remains to be done, but Modi's call-up is an important step towards raising awareness and fighting misogyny in the country.

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