The 7 most ferocious dog breeds in the world

Aggression in dogs is influenced by a combination of factors and is not an exclusive characteristic of any specific breed.

However, some breeds are often associated with more aggressive behavior and are therefore considered “dangerous” by many people.

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In the next topics we list seven dog breeds that most often show aggression. It is even common to see dogs of the breeds listed below being used as guard or hunting dogs, for example.

Beforehand, it is important to point out that the position on the list does not indicate whether the breed is more or less dangerous than others. Keep reading and check it out!

1. Rottweiler

photo: shutterstock

Rottweilers are a breed of dog recognized for their large size and natural physical strength. When they are not properly educated, this combination of characteristics can make them dangerous animals.

Originally from Germany, these dogs are often used in police operations, to guard public or private property, etc.

In addition to the generally noted aggression, dogs of this breed are among those with the strongest bites in the world.

2. Siberian Husky

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Photo of a Siberian Husky

Despite being recognized for their wild beauty, Siberian Huskys can be quite aggressive, especially when they believe their owners are in trouble or when they are in the presence of other animals seen as prey.

This is because this breed of dog still retains much of the ancient canine instinct of wolves, from which they are direct descendants. Huskies can easily exhibit predatory behavior, so be very careful!

3. Boxer

photo: shutterstock

Although they are playful and friendly dogs, you need to be careful with Boxers, especially when they feel threatened in any way.

Like the Rottweilers, they also originate in Germany and were originally bred for hunting activities, through the selected crossing of breeds.

4. Argentine Dogo

argentinian breeds

As its name implies, this breed of dog originates in Argentina, having originally been bred to fight and hunt animals such as wild boars and pumas.

Argentine Dogos tend to be aggressive when they are in the company of other animals. However, when they are well raised from puppies they become excellent protectors of their owners.

5. cane corso

photo: shutterstock

Originating in Italy, this breed is descended from some other dog breeds widely used by legions of the Roman Empire. And just like their ancestors, Canes Corsos are trained and used as guard dogs to this day.

According to reports from some tutors, Canes are extremely loyal and obedient to their owners, but very dangerous to unknown third parties.

6. pitbull

In the penultimate position on our list is him, the controversial Pitbull, one of the most feared dogs in the world because of his unpredictable temperament.

This breed, considered unstable, is the result of several crossings made in Europe and later in the United States. United States by breeders who wanted to see a new breed of resistant and brave.

Over time, the Pitbull's unique characteristics were even used for criminal practices, such as dogfighting. Facts like this helped to foment the “bad reputation” of the breed.

However, experts are categorical in stating that when well raised and trained, Pitbulls develop unconditional loyalty and affection for their owners. As far as strangers are concerned, the reality can be quite different from this one.

7. Akita Inu

photo: shutterstock

Despite the cute and docile appearance, the last one on our list can be quite violent. We are talking about the Akita Inu, a type of Japanese dog that was used as a fighting dog in the past.

According to trainers specializing in oriental dogs, aggression is not a rule in this breed, but it is more common than you might think. That's because some Akitas are born genetically predisposed to this behavior.

However, if raised and trained correctly, the Akita Inu becomes a loyal protector of the family that has guardianship of it.

Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of acting professionally as a Content Writer for the Web, writing articles in different niches and different formats.

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