You wword puzzle are great options for having fun, but also for stimulating the mind, training reading and making mental connections. So much so that they are very common in schools as didactic material. Therefore, today we separate a word search on the theme of Brazilian sweets so that you can exercise your mind and have fun, check it out below.
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Tips for finding the words
In the table below, you will find a lot of letters that seem to be out of order, but the truth is that in the midst of this confusion you will manage to find some formed words. In this case, the words we will be looking for correspond to the names of typically Brazilian sweets that are part of our cuisine and history.
Altogether there will be five words, or five sweets, that you will have to find. But before starting the challenge, note that the words can be anywhere on the board and in any direction or position. By this, we mean that a word can be both vertically and horizontally, as well as diagonally.
Also, pay attention to the fact that some words may be inverted. That is, they can be written vertically, but written from bottom to top, or horizontally from right to left, which are senses contrary to what we normally read. By knowing this, you will be able to position yourself better in the game and find more words.
Where are the words?
Couldn't find all five words? Don't worry, you've already done the main thing, which is to try and look for connections. If you've only managed to find two or three, or even one, that means you've managed to organize the mess that is a Word Search board.
Also, you can always try again with other word searches, because the more you exercise your mind, the better you will perform in games like this one. Anyway, let's introduce you to the five sweets that were on this board.
Then, you can check below where each of the words were in the answer board. In this case, the five typical Brazilian sweets that you could find in this Word Search were:
- Peanut candy;
- Pudding;
- Brigadier;
- Cocada;
- Guava paste.