Almost Unbearable: These 4 Personality Types Are the Hardest

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Being side by side with people, whether in the family, work or school environment, is always a challenge. There are those who are easier to deal with, but it cannot be denied that many colleagues can be challenging for many reasons. Have you ever found yourself having to live with self-centered, pessimistic and envious? The world is full of them.

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Dealing with these “ways of being” can be exhausting. It is even recommended to carry out a self-assessment to verify that we are not behaving like this too. See the most difficult personality types to live with.

The most difficult personalities

People with complicated geniuses are those who have certain behaviors and attitudes that are uncomfortable for them. almost everyone and that are usually carried out unconsciously, but still hinder coexistence.

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Psychotherapy and self-analysis can be effective in treating certain behaviors, yet people often don't realize they are in the way. All the more reason to analyze your behavior, huh? See below the ways to be more irritating and evaluate if you reproduce some of these attitudes or know someone like this.

The passive-aggressive person

People who reproduce behaviors of this type are usually not good at communicating. In this way, they always express their feelings and wishes in an ironic, mean or sarcastic way. Therefore, it is really difficult to understand what goes on in the individual's head and what desires are hidden. It can be exhausting living with someone like that in the long run.

The person in a position of power but who is insecure

The boycott master might be that boss or co-worker who feels threatened when you start doing a task too well. Everything is seen as a “threat” to his supposed success and, therefore, he doesn't mind disrupting his work or exposing the smallest mistakes to the public.

The extremely pessimistic person

You don't have to be the most peaceful and free of worries, fears, insecurities or traumas. It's possible that someone like that doesn't even exist. Requiring others not to have a certain concern for the future is unnecessary and meaningless. Now, what cannot be denied is that there are people who exaggerate the dose of pessimism.

Someone with this personality tends to never see any good in the world or situations. This can be sad.

the dramatic

Most of us prefer to have as little drama as possible in our lives – then there are those who crave, create and thrive on drama. These are the types of people who always need to be in the spotlight and feel slighted if and when they aren't.

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