Professionals who speak two languages ​​have salaries up to 45% higher

Catho is a site that can be used by two groups: people looking for a job and companies that look for new employees. She recently carried out a survey that pointed out that, specifically in the period 2017 and 2021, the average salary increase for professionals who speak a second language in addition to their native language had a very expressive growth, reaching 45% for whatever the office.

Read more: NGO offers vacancies for immersive English learning to young people

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It is also possible to perceive from the result of the survey that the professional who has mastery over English already has an average salary 83% higher than that of another who occupies the same position, but does not have the fluency.

Globalization impacts business

Another important piece of information was also extracted from the study.

The advance of globalization in business during the digital age, at least in relation to companies with national operations, has allowed professionals who are able to speak English to be more valued. The worker who is able to communicate in another language can, for example, communicate with other teams that are representatives of the same company abroad.

It also becomes possible to negotiate with foreign customers or suppliers, not to mention that you can use the language to seek out another market outside Brazil.

In Catho's survey, it was indicated that approximately 4,724 available vacancies displayed English as one of the mandatory requirements for hiring. Furthermore, during the tests applied by the platform, 34,931 people were classified in basic level English, which is something around 33%; 40,499 – or 38% – reached the intermediate level and 31,229 candidates, equivalent to 29%, are part of the advanced English group.

“The English language has become something basic for professionals who want to have a successful career. It is no longer a matter of being just a differential in the curriculum, but a necessary competence to be able to carry out a career plan in basically any of the areas of activity. People are no longer able to think about evolving professionally without being able to master the language”, said Marcos Noll Barboza, who is CEO of Cultura Inglesa.

And none of this is by chance. Learning another language has been listed as one of the highest priorities in the professional area for the Brazilian people in this post-pandemic period. Still based on the study that was released, one of the main objectives of the Brazilian population this year is to seek new knowledge. One of them is learning English, with the aim of doing an exchange in an English-speaking country.

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