Are you an alpha? These 5 Powerful Traits Will Reveal The Truth!

What is the meaning of having an alpha personality? It's not about having a prominent jaw or a specific appearance, and it's not linked to social status or money either.

It refers to how you act and express yourself in everyday life. Let's explore the main features of the alpha personality.

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Every alpha individual is assertive. Assertiveness is not related to having a loud voice and grand gestures, as some stereotypes suggest. True assertiveness can be quite discreet and restrained.

That is, it is based on knowing what is desired, what is expected, and on making people fulfill those expectations. Assertiveness can manifest itself in many ways and in different situations, but it all comes down to self-confidence.

The potential downside of this is becoming overly pushy, but the upside is that if an alpha utilizes his assertiveness for positive ends, it becomes a big plus.

When the alpha taps into his inner confidence, it manifests as assertiveness and decisiveness. That's how they stand out. The alpha trusts his judgment and makes decisions as he goes about his journey in life. This earns them respect and makes them a valuable part of any team.


Leadership is a key trait of every alpha. Alphas enjoy leading and taking control in a variety of situations. Whether on a family trip or in the workplace, when discussing and planning a project, the alpha is able to take the lead.

Additionally, they are willing to own up to their own mistakes and take responsibility for their actions, which increases the respect they receive. As with the previous trait, the downside here is that the leadership instinct can make them authoritarian and inflexible.

However, the positive side is that they can intervene in confusing or chaotic situations in a decisive and responsible, benefiting all and bringing relief to those without leadership.


Another important alpha personality trait is determination. Being decisive and being willing to take the lead is great, but the question is, why? True alphas don't seek power just for the sake of it, nor do they assert themselves and take control just for the fun of it.

They have a plan, which is why people often want to follow them and are inspired by them. Alphas have a “why” not just a “how”. For example, while an ambitious colleague might want to become a partner in a law firm to enrich himself and beef up your resume in pursuit of more promotions, the alpha has a real motive beyond short-lived personal interests. term.

For example, perhaps the alpha wants to become a partner to effectively restructure the company and align it with a broader vision of becoming more relevant, efficient, and profitable. The true alpha rarely takes a shallow, short-term view, preferring a stronger purpose that looks to the future.


The alpha is an energetic person with a lot of enthusiasm when entering a room. He or she has goals, values ​​and vision, and his or her presence is noticed by people. Alphas don't need to show off, they smile, shake hands and walk with confidence.

They take care of body and mind, bringing a positive vibe to their daily interactions. This is a key trait of any truly alpha individual.


Every true alpha is firm. Like a ship in harbor, the alpha always has a solid base to act on. Regardless of the individual, the alpha does not act on random impulses, passing desires, or fleeting emotional states.

In that sense, they know that these emotions and ideas are fleeting and are not a solid basis for making decisions. Instead, the alpha finds stability and perspective in reliable anchors, starting with his own worth.

Additionally, your sense of purpose and security may come from additional anchors such as core values, work, family, friends, and community. Whether introverted or extroverted, the alpha always has a solid foundation for his actions. This results in significant benefits:

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