Dreamix: Google tool uses AI to create and edit videos

Dreamix is ​​a video editor that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to modify existing content or to generate new videos from a single initial image. With it, it is possible for creators to think of other ways to test their ideas, experimenting with new lines of movements and actions. Despite the novelty being very interesting, everything indicates that Google has no intention of launching the technology for the public.

Google tests new tool

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Dreamix's goal is to use texts to generate images, seeking to get as close as possible to the user's needs. The tool allows you to create videos from an image or a ready-made video.

In short, just write whatever you want and the AI ​​will do the work.

Understand how it works in practice

To edit the videos or create them from scratch, the intelligence captures the source material and passes it all through the broadcast model. Then use the words to bring the final product to life. Want a

example? Imagine you took a photo and asked the AI ​​to produce a video that contains “a whale underwater and a sea turtle with a shark approaching from behind”.

The result will be done as requested.

This new product is still in the testing phase, but already shows signs of interesting progress. This all came about from a partnership between the search giant and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. According to Google, Dreamix is ​​the first broadcast-based method that is "capable of text-based motion and general appearance editing of videos."

The company explained in a more simplified way how the AI ​​operates during the editing steps:

“First, we transform the image into a raw video by simple processing operations such as replication and geometric projections in perspective, and then we use our general video editor to cheer her up.”

the bad news is that ordinary users will take time to use this technology so curious. Google is just testing the technology to build future products from it.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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