Practicing 10 minutes of THIS exercise a week is enough to stay healthy

Anyone who thinks that in order to have a healthy life it is necessary to do hours and hours of varied exercises per week is wrong.

According to a study conducted by the Georgia Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Brooke Army Medical Center in Texas, both in the United States, just 10 minutes a week of aerobic exercises, the famous “cardio”, are already enough to maintain a good health.

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The study, which took into account data collected from just over 577,000 Americans over 20 years, demonstrated that the regularity of these exercises can have a significant impact even in the prevention of illnesses.

In particular, the sampling pointed out that cardiorespiratory illnesses, such as flu and pneumonia, are less likely to affect people who do cardio regularly.

However, it is worth mentioning that nothing prevents the practice of other types of exercises, such as bodybuilding or the practice of some sport, from being associated with aerobics.

It may not seem like much, but it's enough.

According to the researchers who conducted the study, although 10 minutes of aerobic exercise seems little, they already make a big difference in the lives of practitioners.

This justification was based on recommendations from physical education professionals, who recommend between 75 and 150 minutes of regular physical activity per week.

"While this amount of physical activity is often labeled 'insufficient' because it falls short of certain durations recommended, it may confer health benefits over physical inactivity,” said some researchers who conducted the study. study.

To give you an idea, it is estimated that the risk of “aerobically active” people contracting pneumonia or other respiratory diseases is 21% lower, compared to sedentary people.

On the other hand, when aerobic exercises are associated with other practices or there is an increase in the minutes of the exercises, the protection rate rises to about 41%.

Still according to the study carried out in the medical centers of Georgia and Texas, the protection against problems that is generated by the practice of physical exercises has to do with the improvement of the immune.

As a result, in addition to developing more accurate protection, individuals also have a significantly reduced chance of dying from a flu-like illness or pneumonia.

However, the study did not reveal how many people with comorbidities and/or chronic diseases, which are usually more susceptible to these diseases, benefit from the practice of at least 10 minutes of physical activity per day.

Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of acting professionally as a Content Writer for the Web, writing articles in different niches and different formats.

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