Scientists discover new anti-aging drug

A survey carried out in New Zealand revealed a new anti aging medicine capable of making human aging healthier and later. The study, carried out in laboratory mice, revealed a new drug capable of delaying the aging process in living beings.

The lifespan of the animals was extended by up to 10%

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The new drug was developed with the aim of providing an alternative for the treatment of tumors. However, when administered to healthy middle-aged mice (approximately one year), the researchers noticed that the animals' lifespan was prolonged by up to 10%. In this way, the animals managed to live up to 3 years of age.

According with the doctor. Chris Hedge, aging is not just a matter of life expectancy, but also of quality of life. The scientist also pointed out that the great differential of the new drug lies in its ability to not only delay the aging of animals, but also allow this process to happen more healthy.

The drug is not yet ready to be released on the market.

Despite all the positive points pointed out in the study, it is important to point out that the drug developed is not yet ready to be administered to human beings. This happens because, according to those responsible for the clinical trial, there are many points to be analyzed regarding the influence of this new drug on other natural processes of our body.

Therefore, the principal investigator of the study, Dr. Troy Merry says:

"We are not suggesting that anyone should go out and take this drug long-term to extend the shelf life, as there are some side effects that have yet to be elucidated."

Scientific advancement to the fields of medical science

Although the drug is not yet available on the market, its effects in treating cancer and promoting quality of life in the aging process of living beings show how science has advanced significantly in the search for new alternatives therapies.

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