Are you young for your age? Find out how aging affects everyone

Age at birth is not always the age that is reflected in our bodies and minds. This is because the effects of aging are diverse and affect people differently, due to habits and behaviors adopted throughout life.

Effects of aging and risk of developing diseases

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Our body is like a machine that, over time, begins to show signs of wear. Therefore, maintenance helps build a more sustainable life.

Maintenance is the practice of physical activities, healthy eating, good nights sleep and reduction in levels of stress. However, as not all people have similar routines, the aging process becomes different for each of them.

So, when we come across someone who looks older or younger than their birth age, we can get good clues about the impacts of aging on each one.
If you look older than your age, you are at greater risk of developing age-related diseases, such as glaucoma and osteoporosis.

On the other hand, people who look younger than their actual age may have better cognitive abilities, reasoning, and are less likely to feel the effects of aging on the body, such as a reduced risk of developing falls.

In this way, people who appear younger than their actual age are individuals who take care of themselves, maintain a healthy routine and seek to take care of their mental health. After all, the health of the body is a reflection of our inner health.

This information is the result of a survey carried out in Holland, with 2,700 participants aged between 50 and 90 years old, through images of their faces.

Published in British Journal of Dermatology, the research concludes that the biological process associated with the face looking older may be related to changes in bone and tissue density, as well as negative health changes linked to aging.

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