In love? Find out which stage of love you are in

Relating to another person is not as easy a task as it seems. the relationships are built with patience and dedication. Over time, they will become firmer. There are four stages of love you need to go through for the relationship to become solid. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. Where are you?

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four stages of love

Maintaining a closer relationship with each other is wonderful, but still very challenging. When we are getting to know someone, everything is like a mystery to be unraveled, after all, people they get to know each other over time and, perhaps even unconsciously, begin to test their partner for everything that comes their way. front.

Over time, our positioning towards dating also ends up changing. In a healthy relationship, it is common for there to be problems, as long as everyone makes an effort to solve them.

In summary, there are four major stages that a relationship must pass with flying colors to become something lasting and reliable. The time to go through each of them is relative, so you need to analyze your involvement to know how you are together.

Stage 1: Everything is Flowers

This phase, which can last from two months to two years, is wonderful. Even your partner's flaws look amazing here. Hormones that cause a feeling of well-being are at their peak. In addition, his willingness and willingness to be close all the time seem to never go away.

But there are also some disadvantages. Dedicating so much time to your new love makes you end up neglecting other relationships in your life, so you can end up losing your identity.

Stage 2: growth and ego fight

When the phase is over, the feeling of being “high on love” goes away, so the relationship ends up entering a more complicated phase. You are no longer deluded and begin to, in fact, get to know the other beyond the relationship.

Many couples do not survive this phase. She is a watershed. To the discussions start to be constant, but if you communicate and learn to compromise, the bond between the two will be strengthened.

Stage 3: Stability

At this stage, the couple is already more mature and aware of the defects of the other. The two realize that, despite all this, the relationship can adapt to changes with a lot of talking. The relationship enters a stage of peace.

Just be very careful of boredom and keep nurturing your relationship even if it no longer has the energies at the edge of the skin as in the beginning, after all, every lasting relationship reaches this internship.

Stage 4: commitment

They already know exactly how to deal with each other and, despite the regrets, they prefer to be together no matter what. With that person, you lack nothing. This phase will bring you the peace of a secure relationship.

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