Lucky Bamboo: famous for attracting luck, learn how to grow it

O lucky bamboo It is famous for its symbolism of attracting luck and even prosperity to the house, so it ends up being a great demand to be cultivated.

Anyone who thinks that Lucky Bamboo is difficult to care for is wrong, the plant develops well in water and on land.

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Originally from Africa, lucky bamboo became popular in the East, mainly in Chinese culture in the technique of Feng Shui.

For Feng Shui, each bamboo rod represents a meaning, for example, if there are two rods it can bring luck in love.

Three rods means wealth and plenty, five rods can mean enthusiasm and ten rods means prosperity.

Therefore, many people decide to present others with Lucky Bamboo as a sign of love and friendship.

How to grow Lucky Bamboo

  • In the land

Lucky bamboo is great for growing indoors, as this plant does not need direct sun and can adapt very well to just water.

Several people grow lucky bamboo inside aquariums for decoration, but maintenance has to be doubled.

It is ideal to choose a place with partial shade, as direct light can lead to yellowing of the leaves and even burn them.

The soil must always be moist, but not to the point of being soaked, so be careful! Prefer filtered water as tap water can make you weak.

If you are going to plant lucky bamboo in vases, choose deep ones, as bamboo needs stability to grow firmly.

  • In the water

As mentioned, you can grow lucky bamboo in water and many put it in aquariums as ornaments.

However, its maintenance can be a little heavy, as it has to be done more frequently.

The water has to be changed every 2 or 3 days, so that it continues to look healthy and strong. Also put it in a place that receives light.

And so you can attract more luck and prosperity to your home or even gift someone special.

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