Longing effects are similar to drug withdrawal

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Saudade is a feeling that is present in the lives of many people and at various times. He has such an impact that he even won a specific day. Last Monday, the 30th, the Day of Saudade was officially “celebrated”. It was created to bring memory all those special people who have already left.

Longing resembles withdrawal from addictive substances

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These moments are good to remember the happiness you experienced in someone's company. The problem is that longing can also reflect on your body. Fernando Gomes, neurosurgeon, said that the symptoms arising from this feeling can be similar to the absence of drugs in the body, like withdrawal.

The effects of longing can reach the whole body and mind. This has been proven by science.

“Irritation, difficulty sleeping, increased cortisol (stress hormone) and a general malaise are part of the package. Everything, of course, to a lesser extent, but still quite real,” said the expert.

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These symptoms usually appear shortly after you have lost something or someone.

Is it a healthy feeling?

The similarity between the effects may seem frightening, but it's real. Those who have felt homesickness can attest that the body reacts differently to this type of sadness. In addition to withdrawal, the University of Southampton found that feeling homesick could also be an immune response to the human mind.

When going through the difficulty, because that's what nostalgia is, the body reacts with defense mechanisms.

“Therefore, it can be important to provide a sense of self-continuity, helping to create a meaningful narrative. for life and a connection with the past to better understand the present”, explained the university specialists.

To get rid of these moments of difficulty, they indicate that people should look for distractions so that the feeling of joy and well-being is renewed, making the moment of nostalgia become a good memory.

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