Identify the 3 signs that are most involved in fights in relationships

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According to astrology, some signs are more likely to be more reactive within their relationships. That's why we brought 3 most quarrelsome signs according to its strongest characteristics. However, it is necessary to know that it is not right to justify aggressive attitudes and behavior because of the signs. It is correct to learn about these tendencies as a way of self-knowledge to be able to improve your words, actions and behaviors in life.

3 signs that most leave for fights.

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Aryans are well known for their wilder, more direct and impulsive nature.

This is why natives of this sign or who have strong aspects in the Aries birth chart tend to measure their words less when expressing themselves with their partners.

In addition, this sign brings strong aspects of individualism and extreme independence, conveying an image of arrogance and aggression for partners who are not used to this behavior.

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Thus, Aryans need to learn to deal better with partnerships and put themselves more in other people's shoes to avoid most of the fights and disagreements.


Virgos are known for detail and perfectionism. Thus, consequently, they become more critical and demanding people with everything and everyone around them.

In this way, they also tend to generate more discussions and disagreements because they do not know how to relax and opt for a more flexible and relaxed posture.


Last but not least, Scorpios also tend to create a lot of fights and confusion in their relationships.

Since natives tend to be very intense about whatever happens around them, they also end up being quite dramatic.

Thus, the famous sign that creates a storm in a teapot, needs to learn to deal with his feelings and understand that not everything is as bad as it seems inside his own head. Being able then to alleviate some of the fights and confusion caused by the feelings of the Scorpio man himself.

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