Uninvited: godmother decides to remove friend from wedding for specific reason

One of the biggest dreams of many people is to get married. Yes, there are those who dream of the moment to go up to the altar and finally sign their vows with great love. Now, imagine how nice it would be if your best friends could participate in that moment. But, that's not what happened to a woman. See the case of bride who "fired" her friend of her wedding for being irritated with her.

Sometimes a great friendship is put to the test by being silly.

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The Reddit site is well known for receiving several stories from people who decide to share a moment in their lives. Recently, a woman who is about to get married canceled her best friend's invitation to her wedding because she had irritated her.

After all, what actually happened to this decision?

This scenario was shared by another godmother. According to her, Anna is the bride's best friend and, for reasons not detailed, she had irritated the wedding's owner days before the ceremony. Therefore, her invitation was cancelled.

According to the godmother, she believes that the great friendship between the bride and this great friend may end up coming to an end after many years.

She said that Anna usually doesn't remember important dates and appointments that involve other people and, for this ended up jeopardizing a very important reservation precisely on the weekend of the bachelor party at bride.

The bride, however, even after making this decision, does not seem to be so concerned about the future of their friendship. She faithfully believes that the two will still go on very well. However, the reality can be completely different.

What did netizens say about this case?

Opinions were divided. There were those who thought that the bride's attitude was not at all rational, while others said that she does have the right to call whoever she wants to be godmother at her wedding.

But overall, netizens stated that this decision was not necessary.

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