Beautiful Skin: Chemistry Behind Beauty

The concern with the skin on the face is not exactly a feminine characteristic. Every day men are more vain, and the skin on the face requires special care. Now that we've introduced the subject as of interest to both sexes, a question: what is the composition of facial creams and lotions?
First let's know what the skin is made of. This organ is so complex and, by the way: the largest in the body, contains proteins and macromolecules in its composition organic, these are naturally present throughout their size, from the skin of the fingertips to the skin that covers our head.
Of course, everyone cares more about the skin on the face, the most visible and the one that reveals our age blatantly. That's why we use high-tech creams to remedy the aggressions that the skin suffers from the sun, cold, wind and weather. Anti-wrinkle creams are a great example of how to keep your skin treated and moisturized.
A skin considered healthy has its moisture around 10%. Emollient creams enable damaged skin to recover its natural moisture, they are basically composed of: 20% sodium stearate, 10% glycerin, 70% water, 15% lanolin, 1% borax, essences. The latter are for perfuming the product.

By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry
Brazil School Team

Chemistry Curiosities - Chemistry - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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