Gym, physical exercises and the practice of sports to reduce the belly, are not enough and able to leave your belly completely zero. For this, it is necessary to know which are the best foods and how to align them with yours physical exercises. Follow the text and check out some foods that help you lose weight!
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The importance of exercise and nutrition
Everyone must have seen those types of diets that promise to remove all the belly fat in a few days. However, this is not as simple as we imagine it to be. In practice, it requires much more dynamics and understanding of the types of food.
The most suitable exercises for belly loss are running, cycling, brisk walking, swimming and a good aerobic exercise are great for burning calories. Line them up with the right foods and you'll have a well-toned belly.
Foods that reduce belly fat
The mildly peppery spice helps blood sugar enter cells to be used for energy and stored with less fat.
A great idea is to use ¼ to 1 teaspoon in hot cereal, marinades or yogurt, or make a delicious tea.
Avocado is a fruit that has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Thus, it contains lecithin, an amino acid that helps prevent liver overload. In addition, it helps balance body weight, cholesterol levels and prevent heart attacks and strokes.
Foods Rich in Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps our immune system control cortisol levels, which help control stress. Fruits like lemon, orange, acerola and others are great sources of Vitamin C that can help you reduce abdominal fat.
Strawberries and berries are rich in fiber that help you feel full faster. In addition, the presence of vitamins from the A, B, C group also guarantee essential nutrients for the body.