JK political victory. The 1955 Elections

the rise of Juscelino Kubitschek the presidency of Brazil from the initial moments of the campaign until the moment of victory at the polls was marked by political tensions. For the succession of the previous president of Brazil, Getúlio Vargas, who had committed suicide in 1954, the two greatest brazilian parties, O PSD (Social Democratic Party) and the UDN (National Democratic Union) wanted to promote a party alliance and launch a candidate under the slogan: “National Union”.

This party union did not take place and in 1955 the PSD launched the candidacy of Juscelino Kubitschek, allying itself with the PTB (Brazilian Labor Party) and having João Goulart as vice-presidential candidate, therefore, a strong political alliance was made in order to win the elections.

 During the party political campaign Juscelino Kubitschek made two main promises: the first was to transfer the capital of Brazil for the Central Plateau (the construction of Brasília) and the second, to announce the Goals plan which had as main

slogan developmentalism as an economic model. The Goals Plan had as its main motto: making Brazil develop “50 years in 5”.

In 1955, Juscelino Kubitschek was elected President, along with Vice President João Goulart. In that period, the elections for president and vice had no links, that is, they were separate. João Goulart received more votes than Juscelino, who established himself as the most voted president in that election, with 36% of the votes, followed by Juarez Távora 30%.

After taking office as President of the Republic, Juscelino Kubistchek, together with the PSD (Social Party) coalition Democracy) and PTB (Brazilian Labor Party) made by Kubistchek and Goulart, contradicted the supporters of the UDN (Democratic Union National). The UDN started to defend the attempted coup and a group of military wanted the deposition of JK. In the year following JK's inauguration, a movement of anti-JK military began in Jacareacanga-RJ (1956). In 1959, in the city of Aragarças-Go, there was another uprising against the president carried out by the military. The outcome of these movements culminated in the repression carried out by the legalist forces (Pró-Juscelino) and in the amnesty of all those involved.

Leandro Carvalho
Master in History

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/historiab/vitoria-politica-jk.htm

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