Why do people cheat? These are the reasons why someone is unfaithful

Did you know that the infidelity it is very common? Some research has shown that there are reasons why people cheat on their partners. To the surprise of many, this is not always linked to a supposed “lack” of character.

When we talk about marriage, for example, it is estimated that around 20% of people have been unfaithful with their spouses. And this number is even greater when we talk about dating.

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To understand more about the topic, check out some of these reasons below!

Why do people cheat? These are the reasons why someone is unfaithful

not have love

The lack of love can also lead the person to not feel that he is in a relationship with the right person. And, over time, a boredom is created within the relationship. In addition, the lack of affection and attachment to each other can also make people unfaithful to their partners.

have no commitment

Lack of commitment to each other is also one of the reasons why people are unfaithful. That is, when there are no rules within a relationship, a person may feel entitled to relate to others.

This lack of commitment is also more common in situations where the relationship is recent, where nothing has been established, there was no dating request, but even so there is affection and attachment, and this must be respected.

sense of revenge

Another common reason why people are unfaithful is because they want to get revenge on their partner, either because they suspect they have been cheated on or because it really happened. It is also common to have betrayalwhen the desire is to take revenge on the partner who has committed some fault, even if it has nothing to do with infidelity.

Environment or sporadic situations

Some common situations can also cause people to cheat on their partners, such as getting drunk, being on vacation somewhere, being around people who influenced you to do this and much more.

Lack of time with partner

Lack of time with your partner, some common relationship conflicts and problems, can also lead to cheating within a relationship. When people say that they cheated due to lack of time, this can also be related to a low level of kindness, making concern and care for the other not common.

satisfy sexual desires

Many people cheat on their partners just because they want to satisfy their sexual desires, especially when their partner was not interested in the subject. Men are the ones who cheat the most for this reason, as well as people who have higher levels of anxiety and less attachment.

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