These are the 4 most disappointing signs in love

Some signs tend to cause a lot of disappointments in love, especially for those who don't know what to expect from them in a relationship. By prioritizing themselves so much, they forget about the feelings of others, and make room for heartbreak and heartbreak.

After all, love is only beautiful if it is reciprocated! If you're having doubts about your potential partner, you'll enjoy reading what we've written about from signs that break the most hearts. Check our list.

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Meet the most disappointing signs in love!

Some zodiac groups break hearts with no intention of hurting the other. That's why you need to be prepared if you go through this situation. Find out now which are the most disappointing signs in love:


Aquarians are not sentimentalists. They value their own space too much and always seek to discover the pleasures of the world without worrying about current relationships. Therefore, their focus is not usually on a single person, but on a whole, a process that ends up deceiving hearts. Also, they can make their needs and priorities clear by using hurtful words.


Leos are intense and determined when they want to conquer someone, but their expectations are high and this makes them change their minds when they see new opportunities. His pleasure is in winning “the prey” and then moving on to the next challenge. For this, they tend to break up their relationships abruptly, with no chance for conversations, leaving many hurts and disappointments.


Pisceans like to conquer, but they are very detached. For them, loves are fleeting, flirting is pleasurable and love interests change quickly. Even with this carefree energy, they manage to connect their feelings with others deeply, although not to the same extent. That's why reciprocity rarely exists in their relationships, and their partners are the ones who suffer most from it.


Sagittarians don't like to get attached, because for them their freedom will always be a priority. Despite getting involved, they do not take the relationship forward, since their plans require a lonely path. When they give themselves completely, they make the other think that they are completely in love, but in fact, they are just intense, and in the end, they end up leaving people heartbroken.

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