Check out some benefits of mango in our body

In many parts of the world, mango is considered the “king of fruits” due to its unique taste, texture and nutritional importance. In this sense, this fruit, which has Indian descent and has been cultivated for almost 4,000 years, is one of the darlings of millions of people. In addition to being super delicious, it has a wonderful nutritional framework. So, check out in this article more benefits of mango for the body.

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Find out what are the main benefits of mango

Many scholars have the mango as a very important nutritional and medicinal object of study for our body. This is because more and more benefits of this fruit have been discovered for the body, including the prevention of some diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular problems, among others. Check out other benefits below.

1. Nutrients

Of course, we could not fail to mention that mangoes are an excellent source of various nutrients for the body. In this sense, the main nutrients present in this fruit are: vitamins A, C, E, K and B6, copper, magnesium, potassium, folate, fiber, riboflavin, thiamine, among others.

It is noteworthy that the level of vitamin C in mangoes can reach up to 67%, which makes it important for prevent immune problems, as well as a potent antioxidant that helps cell growth.

2. Helps prevent cardiovascular disease

Mango nutrients help keep your heart healthy. Magnesium and potassium, for example, help maintain adequate blood flow. These nutrients are primarily responsible for ensuring blood vessel relaxation, resulting in lower blood pressure.

The powerful antioxidant in mangoes appears to be beneficial for heart health as well. An animal study found that this property can protect heart cells from inflammation, oxidative stress, and cell death, for example. In addition, it can help reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and fatty acids in blood levels.

3. digestive health

This delicious fruit has a wide range of qualities that make it great for digestive health. For one, there is a group of digestive enzymes known as amylases. Digestive enzymes break down large food molecules so they can be absorbed more easily.

Amylases break down complex sugar carbohydrates such as glucose and maltose. As these enzymes are more active when the mango is ripe, they are more nutritious than the ripe ones. Plus, because mangoes are high in water and fiber, they can help with digestive issues, including constipation and diarrhea.

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