Bombed on TikTok: find out what happened to this woman's breakup

A breakup can be tough, can't it? In some cases, these breakups can even generate situations that are at least curious, such as the one that happened to Ayle, a young Australian woman who received an unusual note from her ex-boyfriend.

After the shock, the content creator shared the message on TikTok and raised millions of views.

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The termination via curious ticket

For many, curious might be an understatement for what this ticket actually is. That's because Ayle's ex-boyfriend wrote the message demanding everything they ate together, such as meals at fast food and even the fuel they spent during the relationship.

The document also included dates and even a 50% refund for a stolen IKEA charger. After the shock, the young woman decided to share the story with her followers on TikTok and it ended up going viral.

Discussions on social media

Among TikTok's comments, a few users appeared to agree with the young man, while others said how petty he was being. In addition, many shares, through humorous language, pointed to the boy's organization, for having divided the expenses into a small table.

Ayle further stated that he had never mentioned any obligation to these costs during their courtship, which makes the charge more meaningless. For this reason, TikTok netizens also claim that this is a way to take revenge for the breakup, as it is the type of situation that can cause a lot of wear and tear.

Soon, many TikTok content creators began to talk about how much this can be a sign of a toxic relationship, in which the guy's goal was just to make his ex uncomfortable. For this reason, dialogue is essential in any relationship, as partners will be able to define when they can or should bear certain expenses.

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