Three warnings can lead to dismissal?

For those who work in the private sector, thinking about resignation is always something very worrying for many Brazilians. Stability seems to be far from reality, always needing to 'walk on eggshells', working in private companies, to stay on the job.

But, in some cases, there are issues that can lead the worker to dismissal for just cause, such as warnings. Continue reading and find out more!

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What does the warning consist of?

The warnings are ways of correcting the worker, the student and those who live in social relationships. It has an educational bias for workers to alert themselves and rethink their behavior.

On some occasions, receiving a warning represents a negative sign, as, in a way, it is a reprimand for some conduct that deviates from the rules of the work. However, for those who know how to face criticism, it can be a way to rethink some behaviors.

But it is important that the worker is aware of his duties and rights, as these are key points to guarantee his stability. Accumulating warnings in the workplace can lead to complicated situations, even dismissal.

Can it lead to dismissal?

There is no legal provision in the legislation that says that after three warnings causes dismissal for just cause. The first point is that the warning has an educational character.

Knowing the labor laws is essential for workers to claim their rights. In this context, dismissal for just cause is only accepted if there is serious misconduct on the part of the worker.

However, there are some cases that can lead to dismissal for just cause, but these require prior analysis. It must be remembered that the warning is educational, but that the worker needs to change his attitudes after receiving it. Insisting on the same mistake can harm and cause uncomfortable situations in the workplace.

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