Water on Mars: the newest discovery revealed about the planet!

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In recent years, we have been able to follow a real new space race that had some of the richest men in the world as protagonists. The difference is that now the goal is no longer the moon, but the dream of becoming a Martian and colonizing the beloved Planet Red in the near future. This greatly influenced a search for water on mars.

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A new article that came out in the magazine Science Advances brought good news for those who believe that in a few days we will be able to reach Mars. According to this study, it was possible to find evidence of liquid water on the Red Planet.

In addition, the new findings have stirred up the scientific community for involving excess water.

Until then, few signs of water on the Planet could be registered, most of which concerned frozen water. In large part, this was a consequence of Mars' very thin atmosphere compared to Earth's atmosphere.

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In fact, the planet's atmosphere has a structure beyond complex.

This is because the Planet lost its protection against solar rays due to the loss of the magnetic field, which previously protected it from solar winds.

It is a mechanism very similar to what we have here on Planet Earth, as you can see. However, with the loss of protection, Mars was left with a completely unproductive soil.

Where does the water on Mars come from?

In fact, there was no direct discovery of rivers or oceans as we know them here on Earth. However, scientists mostly found a few clues that suggest the presence of water.

More precisely, they found hydrated sulfates, oxide minerals and even silica. If you don't know much about chemistry, no problem! Let's explain.

The presence of these components can promote melting of ice or snow. Unfortunately, however, it was not possible to continue the studies.

That's because the Rover Chinese Zhurong, who discovered this evidence, went into a state of hibernation, perhaps forever, leaving people dying of curiosity!


Water on Mars? China mission reveals unprecedented information about the planet


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