Discover now how to know who viewed your profile on Instagram

Instagram has more than 2 billion active users, making it one of the largest social networks in the world.

Therefore, it is not uncommon to find people interested in knowing how to check who viewed your Instagram profile, usually looking for information on the internet to help with this mission.

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Currently, Meta, the company responsible for Instagram, does not provide the option for users to know who visited their profile.

However, there are certain tricks, some simple and others that require a little more care, that allow users to have some idea about who is “stalking” their social network.

How to know who viewed my Instagram profile?

Next, see the top tips for knowing who viewed your Instagram account.

Look who viewed your stories

This is the simplest tip and it won't require you to download any app to provide this information.

Those who have their profile open on social networks can receive visits and, when there is a story, those curious on duty will not resist and will click on the ball.

For you to know who it is, just scroll to the end, where accounts are usually with little or no interaction.

who viewed my profile on instagram
Photo: Rock Content/Reproduction

Extra tip: those who interact with you often will be in the top positions in stories. Most likely, these people also visit your profile with regularity.

In business accounts, you can view the reach of posts

Business accounts have a number of native Instagram tools with important insights into the reach of the profile, gender of the people who most interact with your publications, age and locations of the country.

To do this, just click on the “Insights” option in your publications to get an overview and analyze the reach of your account and photos shared on the social network.

Reach means how many people viewed your content. Therefore, in many cases, this means that this audience has visited your profile. And the results can be surprising.

Who viewed my Instagram profile
Photo: Pinterest/Reproduction

Download free apps that show insights from your profile

This option requires care, because you have to download applications not recommended by Meta to access your Instagram data. So think twice before downloading.

The Reports+ application, for example, is the best known, because, in addition to showing who visited your profile, presents data about recent followers, who unfollowed you and even which profiles blocked your user. Can be downloaded by Android users and iphone.

Another well-known app is Stalker+ for Instagram, available on the Apple Store (iOS) and which works similarly to Reports+.

Who viewed my Instagram profile
Photo: Digital Magnifier/Playback
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