Discover 7 Amazing Foods and Drinks Created Accidentally

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The culinary world presents a perfect balance, as the production of phenomenal dishes occurs as often as outright disasters.

Who never decided to invent something in the kitchen and then regretted it, and in another moment what seemed to go wrong, in fact, turned into a beautiful recipe? Yeah, that's more common than we think, and there's even a variety of food created by accident which are now consumed all over the world.

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7 foods that came about by accident

Check out now 7 foods that came about by accident and find out how their respective discoveries were.

1. Beer

One of the most consumed drinks in the world, beer has a somewhat curious origin. For a product that worked and conquered a legion of consumers, it is almost impossible to believe that its creation was an accident. But that's exactly what happened!

The way we know it today was not created with studies, analyzes or anything like that. There are strong indications that the fermentation process – which makes beer so special – took place unconsciously through the storage of bread grains that acquired moisture.

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2. Sandwich

It seems unrelated, but the sandwich only exists because of card games. In what is now Hawaii (USA), there lived a man whose greatest passion was playing cards and the like.

Due to the great vice of this man, known as John Montagu, titled 4th Earl of the Sandwich Islands, his meals were taken at the gaming table.

And, so that it would be possible to eat without having to abandon the matches, John would once have asked to be given his meat wrapped in two loaves of bread. Hence, the much-loved sandwich was born.

3. Popsicle

After leaving a container of soda and a kind of toothpick outdoors in the middle of winter, 11-year-old Frank Epperson little knew that he had just invented a worldwide phenomenon.

Due to the cold, the drink froze and was supported by the toothpick, and Frank took the opportunity to produce more and market his invention. Needless to say whether it worked or not...

4. potato chips

When a customer of New York (USA) chef George Crum insisted on complaining about the thickness of the fries being served, a brilliant idea was about to come.

George, impatient, cut the potatoes much thinner than usual, added salt and left them longer in the oven. The potatoes appeared to be inedible, but the result was one of the best wonders in the world.

5. Cookies

The beloved chocolate chip cookies are the result of Ruth Wakefield's long shot when she saw that the preparation of her traditional chocolate chip cookies was compromised.

As Ruth used to prepare them with chocolate powder, when she noticed the absence of the ingredient, she decided to use chocolate bars, believing that the result would be the same.

The dough did not become homogeneous and what actually formed were the famous chocolate chip cookies we know today.

6. Coke

The drink itself was not created to be consumed as it is today, but rather to treat Pemberton's morphine addiction. Initially, the structure of the product consisted of kola nut and small fractions of cocaine.

7. Ice cream cone

After ice cream existed and was already a success, the ice cream cone emerged in the most unusual way possible. While an ice cream vendor marketed his product in the early 20th century, containers ran out.

To solve the problem, a man decided to wrap the ice cream in a waffle batter in the format we know today, which gave life to the cone.
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