6 traumatic childhood experiences that can affect your adult life

If you lived the first years of your life in a difficult environment, know that all those feelings will be present for a long time. These feelings can be signs of trauma that occurred in childhood and can have an emotional and physical impact on later life stages. If you are looking for reasons to understand your personality, many of these answers could be related to these events.

It is common for us to question why we are who we are and look for the root of our characteristics. The truth is that many of the traumas that occurred in our childhood may not be remembered, but they can be reflected in our adult life in different ways.

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6 childhood traumas that will reflect in adult life

1. Are you a totally independent person?

If you have an attitude of extreme independence, it may be that you experienced moments of abandonment or neglect in childhood. Maybe you had the feeling that you couldn't count on anyone and so you took on all the responsibilities on your own.

2. Suffer from fear of being judged

If you are afraid of being judged, it may be that you have lived in an environment where you were constantly criticized or judged, with no space to express yourself and be valued. This experience can lead to insecurity and mistrust of others.

3. Does not know how to deal with criticism or corrections

If you have difficulty dealing with criticism or correction, it may be that you have lived in an environment where perfection was constantly demanded and there was no room for error. This can lead to excessive internal pressure and difficulty in dealing with one's own mistakes.

4. Are you afraid that people will be mad at you?

If you are afraid that people will be angry with you, it may be that you lived in an environment where the expression of anger was poorly tolerated or punished. This can generate a constant need to please others and avoid conflict.

5. You need to apologize all the time

If you feel the need to apologize excessively, you may have lived in an environment where the blame was constantly pinned on you, even when you had no responsibility for the problems. This can generate a feeling of inferiority and difficulty in putting yourself assertively.

6. Can remain calm in chaotic times

If you find it easy to stay calm in times of emergency, it could be that you lived in a chaotic or violent environment as a child. This may have led to developing an ability to deal with stressful situations, but it may also lead to difficulties in dealing with intense emotions and seeking help when needed.

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