The power of thinking positive has been much talked about in recent years, especially on social networks, where digital influencers and channels aimed at psychology report on the benefits of thinking positive and the impacts of thoughts on our life, emotions and actions. For this reason, it is important to understand the motives behind the idea of positive thinking.
Positive thinking can bring health benefits
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You might be wondering how thinking affects health. After all, he is something that happens only in our mind. But biology explains the phenomenon.
Both positive and negative thoughts act on the brain by releasing hormones with the power to cause negative effects. physiological factors that affect quality of life and cause you to relate to life experiences in a positive or negative.
In this way, if thinking negatively can cause anxiety, stress and sadness, increase the frequency of thoughts positive results is linked to increased self-confidence and self-esteem, with positive consequences for the happiness of the individual.
Therefore, thinking positive goes far beyond that a belief has everything to work out just based on your reflections. Taking care of thoughts and feeding positive beliefs can release hormones like serotonin and dopamine, which directly influence your well-being.
And if thoughts form the basis for actions, thinking positively influences the way you see the world and relate to the people around you.
Thus, thinking negatively can lead to emotional instability, maintaining pessimistic beliefs and lack of hope. On the other hand, thinking positively helps to see life in a different way and brings the necessary fuel to act optimistically.
Feeding negative beliefs or thoughts like "I'm bad at what I do" or "I'm not important to anyone" can become a negative cycle of thoughts that, over time, reinforces perceptions of low self-esteem and anxiety.
On the other hand, seeing one's own behaviors in a different way, seeing oneself as a loved and valued person, increases gratitude and self confidence. Thus, your relationships tend to improve and you become a more positive and happy person.