Harvard confirms: the aging process can be reversed

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Among people's biggest dreams, rejuvenation is one of them. The search for different methods has become increasingly common. Even this subject carries many myths.

However, what matters is that, with scientific advances, rejuvenation becomes more achievable every day. Studies say that the biological rejuvenation it's possible. Find out more details below.

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Are scientific methods necessary for rejuvenation?

It's not news that many people look for scientific technologies when they want to go through a rejuvenation process. There are several methods and many of them are indeed effective. The big news is that research says that biological rejuvenation is possible.

After all, what was the exact conclusion of this study?

The study was conducted by researchers at Harvard University in conjunction with the Duke University School of Medicine. They basically said that biological age can be reversed, thus making people live longer.

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Scientists claim that biological time is different from chronological time. The main issue is that biological time talks about the age of cells and tissues in the human body and depends exclusively on the person's conditions. While chronological tells about the number of years the individual has been alive.

In other words, a person can have a biological age lower than the chronological one if his lifestyle is favorable to this. The opposite scenario can also occur, because if the person does not act to favor the health of his body, his biological health can be much greater than the chronological one.

What else affects longevity?

Scientists say that the main factor is stress, as it is responsible for several diseases. However, this scenario can change if the person seeks relaxing practices and worries less.

In general, scientists concluded that biological age is not fixed and that it can change in the short term. In addition, she may react positively if the person's lifestyle is changed to a healthier one.

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