The #1 protein to add to your daily diet

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Studies indicate that we must ingest at least 50 grams of protein per day, as this substance is important for the production of energy for our body, in addition to helping in the growth and health of muscles and bones.

Generally, protein is more present in foods of animal origin, but do you know the best protein for daily eating? Well then, check here which is the best protein option and how to insert it into your daily diet.

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Egg is the best protein

Contrary to what many people think, the best type of protein is not red meat, but egg! After all, this is a complete food, full of vitamins. Among the nutrients available in this food are the B vitamins and iron, which are very effective for muscle development. In addition, it also generates a greater feeling of satiety, so that it is possible to reduce the amount of servings in meals. In this way, the egg is a great ally of those who adopt the practice of physical exercises and seek to improve their body performance.

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Furthermore, its benefits are diverse, so that it can collaborate with the health of the whole body, from the brain to the muscles and eyes. Due to its lutein and zeaxatin reserves, it contributes to lowering bad cholesterol, as well as the presence of vitamin A will help keep immunity up to date. Finally, it is worth mentioning that this protein is an excellent way to fight anemia, as it has a large amount of vitamin B12 and folic acid.

How to insert egg in food

We know very well how much the egg is a versatile food, and that it can be served fried, boiled, as an omelette, side dish or main dish. In all these ways, the egg can serve to fulfill the function of providing proteins. However, the “cleanest” way to consume it is cooked. After all, this way you will be able to maintain all the properties without the additional fat that comes with the frying oil.

Even so, it is possible to vary the preparation, using it in the preparation of salads, with carbohydrates, such as couscous, or pure, since it is also very tasty!

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