Dehydration is caused when a person does not consume enough water. But although water is important to keep the body functioning properly, in cases of dehydration, just drinking water is not enough. In these cases, other foods, such as fruit juice or milk, may be more effective in combating the condition. dehydration, according to Siddharth Bhargava.
Dehydration happens when gains and losses are out of balance.
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O Human Body, to function properly, must be in balance. This also happens with fluid intake. When there is not enough water consumption, the body loses not only water, but mineral salts and other nutrients. Therefore, drinking water to combat dehydration is not enough.
In these cases, the ideal is to look for liquids and other foods with greater capacity to retain water in the body and avoid the consequences of dehydration. This is the case with milk, coconut water and orange juice. Therefore, you should not stop drinking water, but discover alternatives that are also effective in combating dehydration.
Besides liquids, other solid foods with a high water content can also be ingested, as is the case with fruits such as melon, watermelon, pineapple, as well as vegetables such as tomatoes and other greens. And if orange juice is valid, eating the fruit is also effective in combating dehydration.
symptoms of dehydration
When you have little liquid in your body, the body gives signs that something is not going well. In the case of dehydration, the first sign is excessive thirst and the desire to drink water. Dry mouth, weakness and few trips to the bathroom to urinate are other symptoms.
The cause for dehydration can be simple, such as excessive heat, which increases perspiration, consumption of alcoholic beverages, such as beers, with power to dehydrate the body by eliminating mineral salts through the urine, but diseases such as diabetes or viruses in the form of diarrhea are also other factors.
Thus, to avoid dehydration, the ideal is to consume at least 2L of water per day, have a good diet, with intake of foods rich in water and the practice of physical activities. But don't forget: Nothing replaces water, so always have a bottle by your side.