Want to work on Enem 2023? Registration for certifiers is open!

Anísio Teixeira National Institute of Educational Studies and Research (inep) began registration for the National Network of Certifiers (RNC) for the National High School Exam (Enem) 2023.

The selected certifiers will have the responsibility to ensure that the correct procedures for application of the exam are followed during the test days, which are scheduled for the 5th and 12th of November.

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Applications are open for anyone who wants to work on the application of…

The role of certifiers is essential to guarantee the fairness and safety of the Enem, as well as the quality and reliability of the results obtained by students.

Those interested in participating in Enem 2023 as certifiers can register through the official Inep website.

Registration to work in Enem 2023

Registration for the RNC of Enem 2023 is open to teachers from public state education networks and municipal, who will be teaching in 2023, and for public servants of the Executive Branch Federal.

It is a mandatory requirement to have completed high school, and it is not allowed to register if the candidate has close friends, companions or relatives of up to 3rd degree enrolled in the exam. For each day worked, the remuneration will be R$ 384.00.

During registration, candidates have the option of selecting up to three cities or sub-regions where they wish to act as a certifier. These measures are intended to ensure impartiality and avoid conflicts of interest in carrying out the examination.

To participate in the process, interested teachers must complete a declaration available on the RNC System, informing personal data such as name, CPF, enrollment, position and school where they work.

Those selected must participate in a distance training course offered by Inep. During the course, it is important to follow the instructions on the procedures, standards and technical criteria of the Enem 2023 RNC. This step is essential to prepare the certificates to ensure the correct application of the exam.

Registration will remain open and can be done until 11:59 pm on July 24 through the RNC system. Interested parties must access the system within that period and fill in the requested data to apply for the role of certifier.

The list with the announcement of the selected ones will be passed through the registration site on August 14th.

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