We use the adjectives of intensity when we want to emphasize something. For example, I can choose to say that “It's cold in Goiânia today” (It is cold in Goiania today), how can I say that “It's extremely cold in Santa Catarina today” (It is freezing in Santa Catarina today).
Some examples of intensity adjectives are:

I am hungry, but my little brother is starving. (I'm hungry but my little brother is hungry).
Mary and I worked so much yesterday morning. Mary said that she is tired today, but I can tell you that I am exhausted. (Mary and I worked so hard yesterday morning. Mary said she is tired today but I can tell you I am exhausted).
Okay, Bob. this house is clean, but I want it spotless. (Okay, Bob. This house is clean, but I want it spotless).
this movie is funny, but that one that we saw last week was hilarious. (This movie is funny, but the one we saw last week is hilarious).
Look at this apartment. This dining room is small, but this kitchen is tiny. (Look at this apartment. This dining room is small, but this kitchen is tiny).
Goiania is a big city, but São Paulo is huge. (Goiânia is a big city, but São Paulo is huge).
Jack told me a lot of things yesterday. At first I was angry, and then I became furious. (Jack told me a lot of things yesterday. At first I was nervous, but then I became furious).
Layssa Gabriela Almeida e Silva
Brazil School Collaborator
Degree in Languages - English from the State University of Goiás - UEG
Improvement course in English by Zoni Language Centers - USA - USA
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/ingles/intensity-adjectives.htm