Apple wins a museum with more than 1,600 products in Poland

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In an old red brick factory in Poland, the Apple Museum of Poland. The site has been transformed into a commercial and entertainment environment.

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The museum has more than 1,600 products from the American company apple. The site has several devices that were acquired around the world through auctions. “It's the largest and most comprehensive Apple collection in the world,” said Jacek Lupina, a professional architect and graphic designer who has a passion for Apple's many products.

At the site, it is possible to find, for example, a replica of the Apple 1, a computer sold in 1976 by the company's founders, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. It is found inside its mahogany box. The 200 units available at the time were sold for 620 euros. To carry out the assembly, it was necessary to install a tower, a power supply, keyboard and monitor.

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As far as the creator of this illustrious and historic space is concerned, the intention was that visitors would have the opportunity to contemplate the beginning of an era, and how things were so simple, such as the Apple 1 box, which was made of wood, a version not at all similar to what we have today, according to Lupine.

The process of assembling the specimen demanded three years of great effort from the developer to achieve present to the public what we have today, not to mention the need to get in touch with countless experts. The motherboard was signed by Steve Wozniak when he visited Poland in mid-2018.

In addition, numerous computers such as the Apple II, Lisa, iMac, Powermac, Macbook and Mac Pro are on display, as well as iPhones, iPods, iPads, software and countless other products collected directly from the universe Apple.

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