End of exclusive parking spaces for Korean women

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According to critics, the removal is just the latest example of anti-feminist policies in South Korea. In the city of Seoul, the largest city in South Korea, parking lots with more than 30 spaces were required to allocate 10% for women. Parking spaces were located close to building entrances so that women did not have to walk underground in the dark.

Government data in 2021 showed the most violent crimes committed in city parking lots were sexual crimes: rape, sexual assault and harassment.

Antifeminism in South Korea

In South Korea, anti-feminism has been a growing problem in recent years. Although the feminist movement is gaining strength in the country, many South Koreans, including some men and women, are resistant to change and have expressed anti-feminist views from various ways.

Some people believe that feminism is a threat to Korean tradition and values, while others argue that women already have enough rights and that feminism is unnecessary. These views often lead to discrimination and hostility against women who advocate feminism and gender equality.

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Oh Kyung-jin of the Korean Women's Association is unhappy with the removal of parking spaces, but is more concerned about the broader trend of anti-feminism.

"O federal government is trying to launch anti-feminist policies, and now we can see these retrograde policies spilling over into local governments,” she said.


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