Tireless! After 960 attempts, elderly woman takes her driver's license

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take the first qualification it can be a demanding task, but not necessarily difficult. The process of obtaining the National Driver's License (CNH) requires the candidate to undergo a theoretical course in defensive driving and traffic legislation, theoretical exam, practical course in vehicular driving and practical exam of direction.

However, people don't always pass the first time. This is the case of Cha Sa-Soon, a 69-year-old South Korean who made history by obtaining her driver's license after 960 attempts and spending more than R$70,000 on practical classes and driving tests.

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Tireless! After 960 attempts, elderly woman takes her driver's license
Cha Sa-Soon with her Driver's License. Photo: Playback.

In total, there were 959 exams until she passed test number 960 and finally obtained her driver's license. Since 2005, the South Korean has been trying to pass the theoretical exam. However, her efforts were until November 2009.

Cha didn't give up because she needed the license to start her own vegetable selling business and visit her children. This case had wide repercussions in the Asian country and made the woman known in South Korea.

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The success was such that they even took her to participate in a commercial action by the Hyundai automaker.

Requirements to obtain the first driver's license in Brazil

  • Be at least 18 years of age;
  • Have original documents: RG, CPF and updated proof of residence;
  • Knowing how to read and write;
  • Pass a medical and psychological examination;
  • Attend theoretical classes of the driver training course, which have a workload of 45 hours/class;
  • Pass a theoretical test with multiple choice questions;
  • Conduct practical driving classes, at least one of which must be held at night;
  • Pass a practical driving test.

It is worth remembering that the procedures may vary according to the legislation of each country or state, but, in general, these are the basic steps. If you already have a CNH, be aware of the validity periods of the license and traffic rules to avoid fines and infractions.

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