Are you happy with your job? This question may reveal your age!

We spend our whole lives hearing that we should work with what we like, instead of prioritizing money. But, will the job satisfaction Is it not related to the age of the person? It was this question that a survey tried to answer, investigating the age of the participants and their degree of satisfaction with the positions held. See more!

Research investigates how happy workers are and how this relates to their ages

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Interested in knowing how workers of different age groups felt about their jobs, the Pew Research Center carried out this study. Of respondents aged 18 to 29, only 44% reported being happy with the positions held. Meanwhile, 65% of workers aged 65 and over said they were highly satisfied with their jobs.

It was observed, with these results, a big jump in the age group, accompanied by a greater degree of job satisfaction. Apparently, the younger generations have found it difficult to be happy within their jobs.

Another result found by the study, in addition to the degree of satisfaction that grew with age, was how much workers considered their work stressful. Individuals under age 50 largely found their jobs overwhelming or stressful. Whereas, according to age, individuals felt happier and happier.

Wage gap

One of the reasons for these different views between generations may lie in the wage gap. While younger workers have longer hours with lower wages, the roles are reversed as increasing age, with older workers having higher wages but higher positions responsibility.

importance of work

The survey also asked candidates how important work was in their lives. For 47% of respondents with the highest incomes, work represents a very important part of their lives. This number drops to 36% when respondents receive a lower income.

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